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Grid Your Sanctuary

Crystal Frameworks for your Home

Just moved or looking to seriously boost the energy in your home or office? Maybe you’re setting up a healing room? Or perhaps you just want peace and serenity in the spaces you live in? Either way, crystal gridding is the perfect way to make every corner of any room reverberate with those next level good vibes!

Starting at $1555*

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What Is It?

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Your home is your sanctuary—where you unwind, recharge, and where life unfolds with family and friends. 


If your space feels cluttered or unbalanced, it can throw everything off. Crystal grids have been elevating and balancing spaces for centuries, from places of worship and castles to modern homes. Grids amplify and clarify energy, bringing high vibes to your living space.


Join the ranks of nobility and the elite who have historically used crystal grids to help their frequencies stay high. Crystal grids in your space do more than tidy up the energy, it creates a sacred environment that supports clearer thinking, better sleep, improved eating habits, and a deeper connection to something greater, as many wellness experts suggest.


Grid Your Sanctuary transforms your home over 2 to 3 days, depending on your space.

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Here’s How It Works:

Day 1

I’ll come in with an assistant to move your furniture and determine your grids for optimal energy flow. 

Day 2

We measure the cleared out space(s) to prepare to set the ancient sacred geometric crystal grids.

Day 3

We wrap up with a purification session, blessings to seal in the good vibes, and tidy up any mess we’ve made.

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Please Note:

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This is best done in an empty or well organized room. If you require assistance with this, please book a Home Improvement Energy Clearing.

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Each crystal is individually wrapped in copper wire and fixed into place onto your walls with small nails for a lasting energetic framework in your home. Crystals should not be removed once put in place.

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How It Will Help:

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Create a sanctuary that feels peaceful and harmonious within your own 4 walls.

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Give your house an energetic shift into an atmosphere of peace and tranquility that feels instantly healing, serene, and energetically balanced.

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The crystalline structures of these grids provide continuous divine support, uplifting the energy of your space and aligning it with the universe. Imagine hearing “I love your energy” from guests—not just about you, but about your space too!

Here’s What’s Included:

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Full Home Improvement Energy Healing: I'll blend sacred plants, herbs, crystals, mantras, and prayers to fill your space with love and healing energy, filling it with healing and loving energy.

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Crystal Gridding: Over the course of 2-3 days, I'll work with you to choose from up to four unique crystal grid frameworks to elevate as many rooms as you desire.

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Precisely measured, permanently installed crystal grids that have been passed down for hundreds of years for the purpose of energetically aligning the frequencies of any room.

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*price subject to change based on scope of work

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