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Registration for Resilience Revolutions opens on May 23rd at 11:11am EST



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For the Soulful Rebels who are ready to Evolve Together

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As we navigate

the paradox that is 2024...

In a world teetering between chaos and order, we’re almost desperately wanting to feel in control of our own lives. 


We crave freedom and autonomy, but our very human nature also yearns for connection and community. We want to feel interconnected with humanity and the cosmos instead of feeling isolated in the world of social media and capitalistic conventionalism.


Even amongst the systems of control that are pervasive in our lives, we recognise it is our ability to shape our own realities that gives us all the power of the universe. Our autonomy is the key to our resilience.

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Societal norms often box us in, feeling like a slow poison, leading us down paths of unhealthy habits and perceived lack of control. But we're on the cusp of a humanity-will-never-be-the-same-again kind of transformation, and we can all feel it on a very personal level right now.

I know you can see through the veil of societal norms. And I know it’s isolating you from those who do not question the status quo.  


If you've ever felt like an outsider, peering in at a world that doesn't quite add up, know that you are not alone. We are a collective, responding to the urgent need for deep change—a rebellion of the soul that ultimately serves the greater good. A Resilience Revolution.

Are you ready to

join the uprising of your spirit with me?


Embracing your uniqueness is

a bold act of revolution in a society that values uniformity

It's only by understanding and refining our intuitive abilities, our gifts, and the abundant resources that are available to us on this Earth that we can bolster our resilience during this sacred revolution in human consciousness. You may be just one person, but by learning to love your individuality, you change the world!


You're here because you've never quite fit in,

Choosing instead to follow the beat of your own drum. Now, there's no holding back. It's time to let your true self shine, undeterred by the sea of sameness. 

To be brave in your difference from the crowd takes courage and a resilience, but it's exactly these qualities that have the power to change our world. You're ready to embrace your superpowers and live your life for you.

This path isn't an easy one. In a world that begs for conformity, prioritizing your own needs, making space for yourself, and creating...

...the joy you deserve, is not for the faint of heart. 


And that's exactly why this group coaching program was born. 

It was made for you.


Welcome to

This 6-month group coaching experience is a call to the misfits, the free spirits, the thinkers, and those who've always felt on the fringes. Together, we'll explore the spiritual realms, gaining the insights needed to navigate our relationship with both the world and ourselves. It's about embracing your inner knowingness while learning to surrender to the greater flow of Source.

Over the next 6 months we'll...

Build your resilience and develop a deep trust in the UNIVERSE, empowering you to continue to lead this Sacred Revolution. 

Learn practical skills and acquire the tools you need to anchor firmly in your truth, enabling you to fulfill your unique purpose.

Change how you perceive reality so you can help shape a better future for yourself and those you love most without having to abandon everything you’ve known.

Colorful Crystal


Bi-weekly group calls for 6 months

Private community chat via WhatsApp

Discounts on products and services

PLUS, each month will feature an

Astrological Check-in which will include:

Guided meditation based on the Astro forecast

Group coaching [What did you notice this month & What is new for you]

AMA [ask a psychic the weird and wacky things that pop into your brain about our human experience]

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Energy Exchange

for this Container


Split Payments

3 Payments Of



Pay in Full & Save 15%

One-Time Only


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Sound complex? Must be undeniably crucial for humanity, then.

In our nuanced world, the deeper our understanding of the metaphysical world, the cosmos, and the supremely important role we play as mere mortals within it, the better. We're entering a new age. We're witnessing the collapse of outdated systems right before our eyes. 

We're experiencing profound personal & social transformations—symptoms of our collective ascension. These shifts, no matter how daunting on a personal level, are essential for our evolution into more authentic, loving versions of ourselves. 

The Resilience Revolution is here to help you navigate those shifts, to provide a safe digital space to vent, to feel all the feelings, to ask the weird questions, to feel connected to people that get it, and to support one another as we travel the journey of rewriting the story of humanity.

In this age of fast AI advancement and technology, maintaining our humanity is more important than ever.

This means emotional expression, connection with our inner guidance, helping ourselves to help each other, and embodying the change we wish to see. It's time to gain new perspectives and explore the realms that have been hidden from us, free from the gurus and gatekeepers that have been calling the shots.

Each of us plays a vital role, far more important than we've been led to believe.

We are the creators. We are the apex of our own existence. Honing resilience, while staying humble, is our ticket to true freedom in a world that wants us to be just another cog in the machine.

As history unfolds, this era will be remembered as a significant awakening for humanity.

Together, let's make sure we're prepared to illuminate the world with our collective Light.


Join me, Jana Stern

Psychic, Astrologer, Spiritual Activator, and Leader of The Resilience Revolution 

On May 1st for a wild ride into the depths of astrology, metaphysics, esoteric wisdom, and the magic of self-love.

I'm bringing together my over a decade of deep understanding (borderline obsessive) knowledge and pulling it all together into a group container with like-minded souls to grow and evolve together. We're going to look at life differently, digging into our stories, beliefs, and even those tough traumas, and how they shape our relationships with ourselves and others. It's all about birthing a new Earth, together.


This isn't your typical group coaching program.

The Resilience Revolution is all about exploring new fields of study, new ways of relating to (or even letting go of) past trauma. It's about getting okay with what you want, even if it seems a bit "out there" or "crazy" to some.

So, are you in?


Monthly Themes

Opening Ceremony, Intention Setting & Connecting with Your Intuitive Gifts

Our first month together is about setting empowering intentions for yourself. Let’s get clear on where you wanna land at the end of our time together, and then I will teach you how to interpret the signs being sent to you by the Universe in order to help you make those intentions become reality.

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Month 1


Astrology basics & understanding your chart and the transits

Our second month has us looking up at the cosmos, and looking within to how they affect us. These weeks will be dedicated to helping you understand the elements, the signs, the planets, the houses, the aspects, your natal chart, how to work with the moon and planetary transits based on your design. Knowing who you were designed to be in this lifetime can be incredibly empowering, so get ready for a real paradigm shift this month.

Month 2

The Chakras & our energetic bodies

Month three is about connecting with the ways energy shows up in your body and learning how to stop dis-ease in its tracks so that you can stay focused on your growth and expansion. Being present in our bodies helps with mindfulness and manifestation, so you can expect to change your relationship to and with your body in the wake of this information.


Month 3

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Intuition strengthening & resilience building

In month four we will build our intuitive vitality. Strengthening our psychic muscles is a practice that is incredibly personal, easily amplified by the many forms of divination and numerology. Explore your options of the different tools available that you can use to help you help yourself on your journey

Month 4

Crystal Magic & Divination

The fifth month focuses on protecting and serving yourself by deepening your connection to the Earth and Sky through the crystal kingdom. Learn about mandalas, grids, specific stones & which ones you might need to assist you in living resiliently by your design. Lean on the magick of our planet to support you as our Earth has supported us for all of human history.


Month 5


Self Love, Resilient Boundaries & Closing Ceremony

During our final month together we will focus on more deeply loving who we are and how to create boundaries that support healthy and loving connections with friends, family members, partners, and even ourselves. Master your connection to self and source and watch your relationships thrive. 

Month 6



to deepen your connection to your power and change your life to change the world!


Split Payments

3 Payments Of



Pay in Full & Save 15%

One-Time Only


*Registration opens on May 23rd and will be open until the Full Moon on June 6th and will not be offered again at this price!*

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